Be more, earn more, faster than ever with a growing suite of AI powered job search tools for resumes, cover letters, interviews, networking, applying for jobs and more!
Join 1 million + happy job seekers!
Be more, earn more, faster than ever with a growing suite of AI powered job search tools for resumes, cover letters, interviews, networking, applying for jobs and more!
Join 1 million + happy job seekers!
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Good news! You don't have to stress out over the perfect resume anymore. ResumAI builds your resume for you with our Wonsulting resume template. It's the template that's landed thousands of jobs for thousands of clients, and it can work for you, too.
Create the best bullet points
Evaluate your resume's strengths and weaknesses in real time
Use the most successful resume strategies available
Free AI-powered job board to streamline your job search by matching your skills with relevant positions, saving you time and effort.
Tailor your resume feature towards job posting
Personalized job recommendations
Personalize cover letters for each application
Grow your network faster than ever with NetworkAI. Find recruiters, hiring managers, and industry pros on LinkedIn, and get a fast pass to their email inbox with our cold emailing feature.
Generate personalized networking messages.
Connect with recruiters, hiring managers or just expand your professional network.
Find emails of potential employers and craft personalized cold emails tailored to send them.
Automatically track your applications from start to finish on one simple platform.
Use your gmail account when applying to any jobs.
Track any job, anywhere.
Your data is private.
Get more job offers with personalized virtual mock interviews to improve your skills. Prepare for any interview designed for your target roles.
Unlock premium job opportunities and apply to jobs faster than ever with a growing suite of AI powered job search tools for resumes, cover letters, networking and more!
Our free forever plan!
Get full access to the ultimate AI powered job search platform.
We created WonsultingAI to further our mission of helping underdogs turn into winners.
WonsultingAI accomplishes this by helping anyone from any background create a professional level resume, auto apply to jobs, create an outstanding cover letter or get professional messages they can use for networking.
We wanted to use the power of AI to help job seekers worldwide, and we're doing it with WonsultingAI, the new platform that started with ResumAI followed by NetworkAI, CoverLetterAI, InterviewAI, JobTrackerAI, Learning Hub and more coming!
Job seekers finally have a growing source of personalized products to help them land great jobs faster than ever!
Get Started For $0