
ai job search simplified

Get hired faster with AI

Be more, earn more, faster than ever with a growing suite of AI powered job search tools for resumes, cover letters, interviews, networking, applying for jobs and more!

Join 1 million + happy job seekers!

resumai hero

ai job search simplified

Get hired faster with AI

Be more, earn more, faster than ever with a growing suite of AI powered job search tools for resumes, cover letters, interviews, networking, applying for jobs and more!

Join 1 million + happy job seekers!

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Let AI write your resume for you

Good news! You don't have to stress out over the perfect resume anymore. ResumAI builds your resume for you with our Wonsulting resume template. It's the template that's landed thousands of jobs for thousands of clients, and it can work for you, too.

  • Create the best bullet points

  • Evaluate your resume's strengths and weaknesses in real time

  • Use the most successful resume strategies available

ResumAI by WonsultingResumAI by Wonsulting
JobboardaiJobBoardAI logo


Unlock Your Next Opportunity

Free AI-powered job board to streamline your job search by matching your skills with relevant positions, saving you time and effort.

  • Tailor your resume feature towards job posting

  • Personalized job recommendations

  • Personalize cover letters for each application


Networking at the speed of AI

Grow your network faster than ever with NetworkAI. Find recruiters, hiring managers, and industry pros on LinkedIn, and get a fast pass to their email inbox with our cold emailing feature.

  • Generate personalized networking messages.

  • Connect with recruiters, hiring managers or just expand your professional network.

  • Find emails of potential employers and craft personalized cold emails tailored to send them.

NetworkAI homeNetworkAI
JobTrackerAI by WonsultingJobTrackerAI by Wonsulting


All your job applications in one place

Automatically track your applications from start to finish on one simple platform.

  • Use your gmail account when applying to any jobs.

  • Track any job, anywhere.

  • Your data is private.

InterviewAI by Wonsulting

Master your interview skills with AI

Get more job offers with personalized virtual mock interviews to improve your skills. Prepare for any interview designed for your target roles.


Impress recruiters with flawless AI cover letters

Don't hate cover letters; automate them with AI! You'll be able to send off the perfect cover letter in just a few easy steps.

Make Instant Cover Letters for Free
Learning Hub by Wonsulting

Unlock Job Search and Career Knowledge

Your gateway to essential skills for job search and career success. Curated resources to help you thrive in today's competitive job market!


Unlock premium job opportunities and apply to jobs faster than ever with a growing suite of AI powered job search tools for resumes, cover letters, networking and more!


Our free forever plan!

Access to resume builder
Unlimited resume downloads
High level resume score
5 bullet point generations
1 cover letter generation
3 networking messages
1 interview prep
30 Jobs Tracked
Access to JobBoardAI
Get Started For $0
No credit card required (ever!)

Our users are loving it!

"Your app is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100%. It's the perfect solution to build my resume in no time. It has really helped  me a lot. Thank you!."

Howard Arlene
Finance Manager

"Your app is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100%. It's the perfect solution to build my resume in no time. It has really helped  me a lot. Thank you!."

Amanda Tyler
Product Designer
ResumAI Testimonial

"Awesome tool to apply for jobs"

"WonsultingAI has helped me make my resume so much better and more impactful! You read everywhere how to write a resume. Wonsulting AI makes it happen. It's like a virtual mentor helping you make your resume better and more impactful with every sentence..."

"WonsultingAI apps like the ResumAI and NetworkAI helped me a lot in my job search, and made me a better job seeker. The ResumAI too helped me a lot in optimizing my resume bullet points, and I'm hoping to see a lot of positive experience once I start applying."

wonsultingai review

"WonsultingAI helps to write ATS friendly resume and the cover letter in minutes. Have given us proper guidelines about each section."

"Thanks for the free template. It has helped me and a lot of my friends get into jobs that we applied for!"

"WonsultingAI was outstanding, using it to revamp my resume made me realize I wasn't selling myself more via resume. Thank you to team for creating such a wonderful platform."

"WonsultingAI is a great resource that gives my jumbled thoughts the proper upgrade it needs!"

ResumAI Testimonial
wonsulting ai review

"It helps me understand the XYZ concept of resume building while still giving me the creative freedom to alter any information I see fit."

review wonsultingai
ResumAI Testimonial

"I need to extend my eternal gratitude to you, your business, and your tools. I signed an offer yesterday, and I'm certain it will be nothing short of life-changing. I was laid off in 2020, and in 2022 TWICE. I got bit by covid layoffs a total of three times. Your resume creator helped me finally crack the ATS systems, which contributed to my resume being seen and securing interviews. I'm a single mom... grateful that I can now say I work at a global company with several billions of dollars in revenue last year. I have a better future outlook. I have a better RRSP (401k), whereas before I had none. I have a future thanks to you."

"Based on initial impressions, it is actually a VERY powerful tool for people who are looking to take their resume to the NEXT level and hopefully get it noticed by the company they are targeting."

ResumAI Testimonial

"This tool can help people boost confidence in applying in any jobs that they want to pursue."

ResumAI Testimonial

"Generated bulletpoints are ready to use without any major changes. Bulletpoints are accurately generated according to given data. WonsultingAI saved me a lot of time and efforts."

ResumAI Testimonial

"ResumAI helps explain my accomplishments rather than my 'this is my job description' bulletpoints."

ResumAI Testimonial

"The WonsultingAI suggestions are very unique and frame one's experience well for recruiters to understand. They are short and straight to the point."

"My points were too descriptive. So ResumAI made it more qualitative and to the point. I like it."

"The suggested bullet points by ResumAI provide a significant improvement over the ones I had."

"I only have volunteering experiences, and WonsultingAI is really helping me form a stronger resume by enhancing my volunteer experience."

WonsultingAI - Your Job Search Suite, Powered by AI | Product Hunt

Why we built WonsultingAI

We created WonsultingAI to further our mission of helping underdogs turn into winners.

WonsultingAI accomplishes this by helping anyone from any background create a professional level resume, auto apply to jobs, create an outstanding cover letter or get professional messages they can use for networking.

We wanted to use the power of AI to help job seekers worldwide, and we're doing it with WonsultingAI, the new platform that started with ResumAI followed by NetworkAI, CoverLetterAI, AutoApplyAI, InterviewAI and more coming!

WonsultingAIby wonsulting

Unlock Endless Job Opportunities🔓

Job seekers finally have a growing source of personalized products to help them land great jobs faster than ever!

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